This was mostly unfavoured by fans and it was later changed to an iOS/Android-exclusive Act, with the console version recieving an entirely new Act. The Zone is infamous for the Score Attack gimmick in Act 2 of the PartnerNET build where Sonic was enclosed in a pinball area and had to get 100,000 points to proceed to the next Act. This is not featured in the iOS/Android version. Super Sonic will get Jackpots every time he enters the slot machine, which makes getting perfects in Score Attack relatively easy. 1.2 Episode Metal Act 3 - Electric RoadĬasino Street Zone starts off as a standard casino-themed level, with many of the notable elements present including pinball tables, rolling tunnels, launchers, Drop Targets and slot machines, as well as the Batbot and Crawl badniks from Carnival Night Zone and Casino Night Zone respectively.